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The Impact Of Bad Wheel Hub Bearings On Car Performance


Autoround analyzes the impact of bad wheel hub bearings on car performance from three perspectives: comfort performance, driving performance, and safety performance.


1. Impact on comfort performance

  • Increased vibration:

When a wheel hub bearing fails, the wheel will produce unnecessary vibrations during driving. These vibrations will become more obvious as the driving distance increases, especially when driving at high speeds. Vibration not only affects the driver’s driving experience, but also has a serious impact on the comfort of passengers, such as feeling uncomfortable or tired.

  • Increased noise:

Wheel hub bearing failure is often accompanied by harsh noises, such as humming, creaking or screaming. These noises are not only unpleasant, but also interfere with the conversation and attention of drivers and passengers, further reducing the comfort of riding.


2. Impact on driving performance

  • Power reduction:

Damage or wear of the wheel hub bearing will increase the friction between the wheel and the bearing, thereby increasing driving resistance. This makes the engine need more power to push the vehicle forward, resulting in reduced power performance. The driver may feel that the vehicle accelerates slower, especially when climbing or overtaking.

  • Reduced driving stability:

Damaged bearings will affect the positioning and balance of the wheels, causing the vehicle to deviate or shake during driving. This not only reduces driving stability, but may also affect the vehicle’s handling performance, making it difficult for the driver to control the direction and trajectory of the vehicle.

  • Increased fuel consumption:

Due to the decrease in power and driving stability caused by wheel hub bearing failure, the vehicle needs to consume more fuel to maintain normal operation. This not only increases fuel costs, but may also cause unnecessary burdens on the environment.


3. Impact of safety performance

  • Weakened braking effect:

Damage to the wheel hub bearing will cause the friction between the tire and the ground to decrease, thus affecting the braking effect of the vehicle. In emergency braking, the vehicle needs a longer distance to stop, increasing the risk of traffic accidents.

  • Risk of steering system failure:

If the wheel hub bearing is severely damaged, it may cause the steering system to fail. This means that the driver may not be able to accurately control the steering of the vehicle, increasing the risk of vehicle loss of control and traffic accidents.

  • Risk of wheel falling off:

In extreme cases, severe damage to the wheel hub bearing may cause the wheel to fall off. This situation is extremely dangerous and may cause serious traffic accidents and casualties.


Wheel hub bearing failure has a serious impact on the comfort performance, driving performance and safety performance of the car. Therefore, once the wheel hub bearing is found to have signs of failure or wear, it should be repaired or replaced immediately to ensure the normal operation and driving safety of the vehicle.